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February 7, 2007 12:03 AM
Broken: Disney DVD credits
The latest collectible set of Disney Treasures DVDs came out, with the long-awaited title - Your Host, Walt Disney. It features over seven and a half hours of material featuring the familiar, kindly visage of “Uncle†Walt as we came to know him growing up in the 1950s and 60s.
But at the end of one piece, the credits include an unfortunate misspelling (emphasis mine): "We hope you have enjoyed this special presentation of Disnelyand U.S.A. at Radio City Music Hall..."
Not a very broken customer experience. Broken spelling, yes. Eternal pain and suffering due to a bad customer relationship, no.
Clearly, engunneer, you're just insensitive and heartless. I, for one, will forever be scarred after witnessing this horribly tragic misspelling...Oh, the humanity!!!
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Oh come on, its just spelling. And even if you use 1st grade phonics, it clearly reads Disneyland.
Posted by: dahobo at February 7, 2007 12:23 AM