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Previous: Walk sign | Main | Next: Usability News signup
November 8, 2004 12:01 AM
Broken: Home Depot exit (Silver Spring, MD)
The Home Depot store in Silver Spring, MD (near Washington, D.C.) has signs that point to the way for you to exit the parking lot. The sign is trying to say, "This is the way to exit." Instead, what happens is people drive up, see the sign, can't figure out what they're supposed to do, get confused, and end up incorrectly exiting the parking lot via the entrance, where other cars are coming in.

i thought about just becoming the avenging angel for clear communication and putting duct tape over the 'no' ... but then i thought about the part where i'd have to say, 'well, mommy was arrested for vandalism yesterday at home depot...'
hey this is NOTHING compered to this sign i saw in ohio. i saw it in a state park. this is how it looked:
Horse Trail--->
I have a picture of it, too! I crack up every time i see that picture!
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So if we just took a big bottle of Wite-Out and brushed out the "NO," it would work...
Posted by: daisy at November 8, 2004 08:28 PM