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September 3, 2003 11:37 PM

Broken: Bike path signage

 The bike path on the west side of Manhattan is a local favorite. Don't get me wrong - we love the bike path.

The only problem is that the signage can be confusing. In the first picture, two stop signs compete with two green lights. Should the cyclist stop or go? Also notice that it's hard to tell that the trail isn't for walkers. Painted on the pavement just above the cyclist icon is the rollerblader icon, which looks an awful lot like a person walking.

The second picture shows the markings on the pavement - triangles and perpendicular stripes - that (I assume) tell cyclists to slow down, stop if necessary, and allow pedestrians to cross at the crosswalk. But that's just a guess.

Thanks to Peter Frishauf for the photos. He points us to "They are actually taking
legal action over the stop signs.....apparently they are a violation of state law."


i have a question, is peter trying to have th stopsigns tooking out or kkept in because peersonaly i think the bike path needs stop signs over here in rhose island!

Posted by: lacy at January 24, 2004 01:25 PM

have you ever thought this guy in a way "arrested" the state.

Arrest NY show no mercy

Posted by: edison at May 16, 2006 08:23 PM

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